
baccaratdiamant| Integrate into Fosun's willingness to accelerate the revival of famous wines


Not long ago, at the celebration of "May 1" International Labour Day and the National May 1 Labor Award and the National Workers' Vanguard commendation meeting in 2024, Shedi Wine Co., Ltd. won the "National May 1 Labor Award" in 2024, becoming the only enterprise in the wine industry to win this honor this year.

As one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, the development of the wine industry has always attracted the attention of the industry. Its 2023 annual report shows that the wine industry achieved revenue of 70% during the reporting period.Baccaratdiamant81 million yuan, net profit 17.Baccaratdiamant71 billion yuan, with both revenue and net profit increasing over the same period last year. In the new round of deep adjustment of the industry, it shows its own strong tenacity and steady momentum of development.

In fact, since it was integrated into Fosun in 2021, the wine industry has maintained double-digit revenue growth for three consecutive years, reaching record highs in terms of tax payment, base liquor production capacity, employment and so on.

With such excellent results, one can't help asking questions.Baccaratdiamant: how on earth does the wine industry do it?

Great-leap-forward development, willing to hand over the wine industryBaccaratdiamantWhat kind of answer did you get?

Before answering this question, let's take a look at the transcripts of the wine industry over the past few years, and we may be able to see more of the secrets behind its resilience in these details.

As we all know, in the environment of deep adjustment of the industry, it is not easy to maintain steady growth. Even so, since the integration of Fosun, the wine industry has made remarkable achievements in various rigid indicators.

In terms of growth momentum, the revenue of the wine industry has increased by more than 4 billion for five years and has maintained double-digit growth for three consecutive years. In the past three years, the compound growth rate of operating income has reached 37.84%, and the compound annual growth rate of net profit has reached 44.99%.

Behind the bright achievements is the effective market development and channel construction of the wine industry. By the end of 2023, there were 2655 dealers in the wine industry, an increase of 879 over 2019, an increase of 49.5%. The participation of many dealers not only shows the channel's confidence in the development prospects of the wine industry, but also shows the achievements of its nationalization. At present, the domestic district and county city coverage of the wine industry is more than 85%, with a market of more than 100 million million; overseas has landed on five continents, and its products have entered 33 countries and regions around the world.

From a more long-term value point of view, the wine industry is also accumulating energy on the production side.

In March this year, the main project of the Longchi ecological brewing workshop of the wine industry was completed, marking substantial progress in the project of increasing production and expanding capacity of the wine industry. With the completion of the project of increasing production and expanding capacity, it is expected that the annual output of raw wine will increase by about 60, 000 tons, and the storage capacity of raw wine will increase by about 342500 tons.

In addition, as the initiator and forerunner of "ecological wine-making", Shoude Liquor Industry issued and implemented the industry's first "ecological wine-making" evaluation standard (Q/SD1015-2019) and a number of group standards, and built the industry's first ecological wine-making industrial park, with nearly 4 million plants of all kinds.

At the same time, the wine industry also uses the altar to store and precipitate the quality of old wine, and through standardization construction to promote the healthy development of the old wine industry. In April this year, the group standard technical review meeting of "Tan Storage Old Liquor (Luzhou-flavor Liquor)" drafted by Shandai Liquor Industry was held, and the evaluation panel unanimously agreed to pass the standard review, believing that "this standard is the first domestic standard for an old liquor storage group in China." it's the advanced level in China.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to "strengthening the body", the wine industry is also deeply involved in the local economic and social construction.

As the "bellwether" of northeast Sichuan, Shoude helped Shehong win the title of "hometown of Chinese Liquor". Together with "Liquor Township", Sichuan Tuopai Green Food Industrial Park, Shehong is working hard to build hundreds of billions of characteristic industrial clusters dominated by the wine industry.

In addition, the wine industry added more than 5000 jobs to the local area from 2019 to 2022, and it is also the enterprise with the largest number of employment and placement of the disabled in Shehong City.

Behind the high potential energy is the omni-directional empowerment of Fosun.

The manifestation of all external results must have an internal cause. So, in the era of stock competition with weak recovery of liquor, what is the driving force for the development of resilience of the liquor industry?

The answer may appear in imperceptible dimensions, and further "inward" exploration is needed to figure this out.

First of all, one underlying logic is that flesh and blood needs to be supported by skeletons.

For enterprises, strategic concentration, management ability, platform construction ability and circle penetration ability are the key bones to support their profitability.

Using this point to look at the wine industry, it is not difficult to find that behind a series of achievements, Fosun and Yuyuan empower the figure.

From the B point of view, the achievements of the wine industry mentioned above in market development and channel construction at home and abroad are inseparable from Fosun and its ecological support.

This is especially reflected in the cooperation between Fuyu Wine Industry and retailers such as China Free Group and Zhuhai Duty Free Group to help the wine industry open up export channels. In addition, the wine industry can be listed in seven Eurasian countries within 36 days, which also stems from the endorsement of Fosun's strong resource integration ability.

On the C side, under the ecological empowerment of Fosun, the wine industry is able to constantly expand new consumption circles. Landing at the Consumer Expo, appearing at the "National Intangible Heritage" Yuyuan Lantern Festival, the "willing Cup" New Shanghai Merchant Golf Club was founded, Tuopai became the official global partner of Wolves, and was willing to use old wine business cards to link the sports circle, entrepreneur circle and other circles in the wine industry. its popularity and brand influence have been further enhanced.

Focusing on the production side, what is striking is the blessing of Fosun in terms of scientific innovation in the wine industry. In recent years, under the guidance of the scientific innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan Garden, the wine industry has taken "scientific innovation drive" as one of the top strategies and has been continuously strengthened.

Continue to build a high-level scientific research team by employing chief scientists and training scientific research personnel; undertake Fosun science and technology innovation resources, reach strategic cooperation with Fosun Global Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute, and constantly increase investment in science and technology innovation. Its annual report shows that the R & D expenditure of the wine industry has increased year by year, from 32.51 million yuan in 2021 to 76.25 million yuan in 2022 and 108 million yuan in 2023. In the first quarter of this year, the R & D expenditure of the wine industry reached 28.57 million yuan, an increase of 72% over the same period last year.

baccaratdiamant| Integrate into Fosun's willingness to accelerate the revival of famous wines

In addition, in terms of organizational and mechanism innovation, the introduction of advanced management concepts such as Fosun's "FES Management System" and "Entrepreneurship" and "FC2M Ecological Thinking" has also made Shede Wine's team agile and organizational innovation. The power has been significantly improved.

What is more worth mentioning is that Fosun's long-term approach has further consolidated its strategic determination in the wine industry and become a moat for its "old wine strategy" to be consistent and continuously deepened.

It is understood that Shede Liquor has been implementing this strategy since 2019, and this strategy has now become one of the core drivers for its continued performance growth.

Under Fosun's forward-looking strategic guidance, the "four major strategies" of old wine, multi-brand matrix, rejuvenation and internationalization upgraded from the "old wine strategy" have further helped Shede wine industry go hand in hand with endogenous growth and outreach development.

It can be seen that behind the leapfrog development of the 7 billion yuan is the multi-dimensional driving force of its strategic structure, resource integration, quality origin, and brand heritage, and these capabilities have been comprehensively upgraded due to the existence of Fosun.

With Fosun's continued empowerment, what kind of future will Shede wine industry lead to? The answer is worth looking forward to!

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2024-05-24 16:13:53

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