
mame32gameslist| Use 40% of excess profits to distribute excess bonuses to employees Anta Group recruits business partners from around the world


May 14thMame32gameslistAnta Group officially released the employer's value proposition-- "beyond self"Mame32gameslistI have made great achievements, "calling for global talent recruitment." In striving to achieve the vision of "the world's leading multi-brand sporting goods group", Anta Group will continue to attract and gather more strivers who are willing to surpass themselves.

As China's leading multi-brand sporting goods group, Anta Group continues to practice the concept of "symbiosis with employees", regards employees as the most important business partners, pays attention to employees' workplace development, and enables employees to achieve common growth of individuals and enterprises in an open, inclusive and dynamic environment, and strive to create an employer platform to help employees realize their career dreams.

Anta Group publishes employer value proposition "beyond self-achievement"

Anta Group employer brand value proposition fully demonstrates the company's attention and care for talents through four key dimensions: job value, career development, care experience and career prospects. Invite talents to go to the hot-blooded workplace, set foot on the platform of self-transcendence, embrace loving and progressive organizations, and create a career that strives for it.

mame32gameslist| Use 40% of excess profits to distribute excess bonuses to employees Anta Group recruits business partners from around the world

By the end of 2023, Anta Group had more than 60, 000 employees from 13 countries and regions, recruiting more than 25000 young talents, accounting for more than 70% of the employees under the age of 35. It is expected that more than 100000 young talents will join the company in 2030.

In the future, Anta Group will create a high-quality employer experience with a "surpassing" attitude, and join hands with more talents to create extraordinary achievements.

Leading performance for 12 years in a row to recruit talents around the world

As a leading enterprise in the sporting goods industry, Anta Group ranks first among Chinese sporting goods enterprises in revenue for 12 consecutive years, with 15 differentiated sportswear and equipment brands, covering the whole value chain. It has been selected as Brand Finance's "Global 50 most valuable clothing Brands" for seven consecutive years, Forbes Global Best employer for four times, ATD BEST Awards "Best Learning Enterprise" and so on.

Under the world's leading development strategic goals, Anta Group encourages every employee to devote themselves to love, work with excellent partners, self-drive and stimulate their potential, and achieve better themselves on a broad career platform. go to the hot-blooded workplace with the group.

In 2021, Anta Group announced a new value proposition for the next 10 years, in which "symbiosis with employees" emphasizes that employees are the most important business partners.

Diversified development opportunities and broad career experience

Through the continuous investment of learning resources and the establishment of a mature talent training system, so that everyone has equal paths and opportunities for learning, growth and development, Anta Group hopes to set foot on the platform of self-transcendence and realize its career dream together with talents.

"it will not only give employees a fair return for their efforts, but also enable them to gain respect and recognition in a positive working atmosphere, stimulate their potential, help them grow and realize their self-worth."

As Anta Group CHO Xiong Ling said, Anta Group believes that the company that really helps employees grow is the best employer. Anta Group has constructed a mature training system of high school, middle and youth three-wheel drive, which creates a differentiated career growth path for employees of different professional ages, namely, high-level echelon, middle-level high potential and young nova.

Employees of Anta Group are at the internal training site.

In addition to the vertical talent training system, Anta Group also provides employees with horizontal career development space. Diversified career development platform provides employees with more career possibilities. through rich horizontal hanging and competitive recruitment, employees can get more job opportunities in the group with multi-brands, diversification, multi-professions, multi-cities and even transnational countries. realize your career dream.

It is understood that as of November 2023, Anta Group staff career development platform, a total of nearly 20W visits, a total of more than 1000 opportunities for competitive employment.

At the same time, the inheritance of internal experience also provides rich nutrients for personnel training. Anta Learning Park, an internal learning platform of Anta Group, has developed and introduced tens of thousands of learning resources around the three major capabilities of leadership, professionalism and effort, with a total investment of more than 30 million training costs in 2023.

Brands will also provide employees with a variety of learning resources and development opportunities, such as best practice sharing, professional advancement, coaching, foreign exchanges and so on. Let employees learn more workplace skills and professional skills, open up the career pattern.

Chinese and foreign employees exchange experience to inspire inspiration

The cumulative input of welfare exceeds 3.Mame32gameslist200 million yuan will be invested nearly 1 billion yuan in the future.

With an efficient and high salary, hierarchical incentive system and omni-directional welfare care, Anta Group has increased its long-term incentive investment to enable employees to share the fruits of development with the company and talents to embrace a loving and enterprising organization.

According to the characteristics and needs of different employees, Anta Group carries out hierarchical incentives: the senior backbone attaches importance to long-term commitment. Since 2019, the Group will purchase and grant shares as long-term incentives for key employees, accumulating more than HK $2 billion. Middle and high-level employees enjoy excess incentive plans: in 2023, the group awarded employees of three brands excess bonuses far above market levels to share the company's achievements with employees; grass-roots employees are concerned about living benefits: the total investment of 36 benefits of the group in 2023 exceeds 320 million yuan, and nearly 1 billion yuan will be invested in the future.

From food, clothing, housing, transportation, to holiday care, physical and mental health, Anta Group 36 benefits cover the work and life of employees, so that employees enjoy more happiness.

Anta Group provides employees with serviced apartments to solve the housing problem.

Anta Group built its own farm and self-operated staff restaurant to allow employees to enjoy healthy food.

Anta Group invites global talents to pass on the self-surpassing sportsmanship to more people, create symbiotic value with consumers, employees, partners, society and the environment, and create extraordinary undertakings that they struggle with. Achieve value in extraordinary careers.

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2024-05-14 15:44:50

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