
bonusstrikecasino| Sovecon report: Russian grain exports forecast fell to 4.8 million tons in May


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[agricultural consultancy Sovecon disclosedBonusstrikecasinoRussia's grain exports are expected to fall to 4.8 million tons in May, down from April.BonusstrikecasinoRussia's exports of wheat, barley and corn in May are expected to be lower than in April, according to Sovecon, an agricultural consultancy. Of this total, wheat exports are expected to be 4.1 million tons, down from 4.6 million tons in April, barley exports are expected to be 300000 tons, down from 500000 tons in April, and corn exports are expected to be 400000 tons, down from 600000 tons in April. The figure reflects Russia's decline in grain exports in May. The data is likely to have an impact on market expectations and prices, and investors should pay close attention to changes in Russian grain exports and their impact on global food markets. At the same time, Sovecon data also show seasonal fluctuations in Russian grain exports, which may be related to factors such as agricultural production cycles and transport conditions. Overall, the decline in Russian grain exports may have an impact on supply and demand in the global food market. When making investment decisions, investors need to take into account a variety of factors, including the supply and demand situation of the global food market, changes in export policies of major exporters, and market expectations of global food prices.

bonusstrikecasino| Sovecon report: Russian grain exports forecast fell to 4.8 million tons in May

14 05

2024-05-14 06:04:54

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