
nodepositgames|央行公示拒收现金案例 三家保险公司受罚


On May 6, the website of the people's Bank of China announced cases of refusing to accept RMB cash, with a total of 8 cases subject to administrative punishment and 7 cases not punished.

Since October 2023, the people's Bank of China has carried out a special rectification work on refusing RMB cash (hereinafter referred to as cash), paying in RMB within the territory of the people's Republic of China in accordance with Article 16 of the Law of the people's Bank of China.NodepositgamesAll public and private debts shall not be rejected by any unit or individual, and the clues shall be verified, investigated and dealt with. By the end of April 2024, administrative penalties had been imposed on 8 legal entities who refused cash.NodepositgamesVerify that 124 acts of refusing to accept cash with minor circumstances, timely correction and no harmful consequences for the first violation of the law have not been punished in accordance with Article 33 of the Administrative punishment Law of the people's Republic of China.

The people's Bank of China said that all kinds of operators are invited to abide by the relevant laws and regulations on RMB management, respect the public's right to choose their own payment methods, maintain the legal status of RMB, and jointly optimize the environment for the use of cash.

The eight cases of administrative penalties are as follows:

Case 1: in December 2023, the Shaanxi Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on the nine-year school in Jingyao Town, Pucheng County. The school did not set up a cash payment channel on the day of registration in the fall of 2023, and parents were unable to pay tuition fees in cash.

Case tip: units that handle administrative fees should set up manual cash receipt and payment channels and shall not refuse to accept cash on the grounds of "unified accounting and unified management of funds". If the entrustment method is adopted, the client shall, in writing, require the trustee to set up a manual cash receipt and payment channel.

nodepositgames|央行公示拒收现金案例 三家保险公司受罚

Case 2: in November 2023, the Zhangzhou Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on the Zhangzhou Central Branch of China Ping an (601318) property Insurance Co., Ltd. The company has manual cash receipt and payment channels, and the staff are not familiar with the business process of receiving cash and refuse customers to pay car insurance fees in cash.

Case 3: in December 2023, the Beijing Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on China Life (601628) property Insurance Co., Ltd. Beijing Huairozhi Co., Ltd. The company has manual cash receipt and payment channels, and the staff are not familiar with the business process of receiving cash and refuse customers to pay car insurance fees in cash.

Case 4: in April 2024, the Huaian Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on the Huaiyin Branch of the people's property Insurance Co., Ltd. The company's business premises did not set up manual cash receipt and payment channels, and the staff replied to the customers that they did not accept cash.

Case tips: insurance companies and other business entities should enhance staff awareness of abiding by the law, clarify "illegal refusal to accept cash" and its legal consequences, optimize cash payment process, enhance customers' cash experience, and shall not set a threshold for cash payment. Do not reject cash on the grounds of "too many business links" and so on.

Case 5: in December 2023, Beijing Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on Beijing Da World Bank Century Automobile sales Co., Ltd. The company does not set up cash payment channels and does not accept customers to use cash to buy vehicle insurance.

Case tip: operators providing "face-to-face" services should set up cash receipt and payment channels to meet the needs of cash payment, and shall not set up obstacles to the collection of cash.

Case 6: in February 2024, the Chifeng Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on Chifeng Songshan District Branch of China Post Group Co., Ltd. The company's financial system clearly accepts cash payment, consumers send documents online, and door-to-door collection staff do not accept cash.

Case tips: online reservations, transactions, offline delivery of services or goods, support face-to-face payment, should support cash payment, should not be "easy to lose on the way" and other reasons to refuse to accept cash.

Case 7: in April 2024, Baotou Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on Baotou Furun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. The company has a manual collection window, handling deposit, area compensation and other business do not accept cash and post notices, consumers pay 204 yuan in cash housing price difference is rejected.

Case tip: operators providing "face-to-face" services shall set up cash receipt and payment channels to meet cash payment needs, and shall not reject cash by means of format terms, notices, statements, notices, etc., except where non-cash payment instruments should be used in accordance with the law.

Case 8: in April 2024, Wuxi Branch of the people's Bank of China imposed administrative penalties on Wuxi KFC Co., Ltd. The company is equipped with cashier equipment for the check-out breakfast car, but it cannot be used properly due to software reasons, and there is no solution for consumers to pay in cash, so they cannot receive cash.

Case tip: in order to carry out business model innovation, operators should fully consider the needs of the public to use cash and possible emergencies, strengthen new business type cash receipt and payment scene planning, improve internal control management and business processes, and prepare enough change. to meet the cash payment needs of the public.

06 05

2024-05-06 17:20:53

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