
ebingonearme| The three major indices are stable in the expansion range, indicating that the overall economy continues to rebound


Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph Integration

According to the data released by the Service Industry Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing on April 30, China's manufacturing purchasing manager index (PMI), non-manufacturing business activity index and composite PMI output index were 50 respectively.Ebingonearme.4%, 51Ebingonearme.2% and 51.7%, although both were down from the previous month, but the three major indices remained in the expansion range, showing thatEbingonearmeThe overall economic operation of our country continues to pick up.

"in April, the PMI of China's manufacturing industry was 50.4%, which was in the expansion range for two consecutive months, and the manufacturing industry continued to recover." Said Zhao Qinghe, a senior statistician at the Service Industry Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics.

-- Enterprise production continues to accelerate and market demand continues to expand.

In April, the production index was 52.9%, up 0.7 percentage points from the previous month and the highest since April 2023. Wen Tao, an expert at the China Logistics Information Center, said that in April, the steady increase in new orders and the digestion of the previous backlog of orders, coupled with continued growth in corporate profits, accelerated the rise in production activities of manufacturing enterprises.

According to the demand index, the new orders index was 51.1% in April, down 1.9 percentage points from the previous month, but still in the range of expansion, and demand in the manufacturing market continued to recover. From the perspective of external demand, the index of new export orders is 50.6%, which continues to expand, indicating that the export business of enterprises as a whole continues to improve.

Wen Tao said that the concentrated release of market demand in March led to a correction in demand growth in April, but combined with the changes in the previous index, new manufacturing orders and new export orders continued to grow from March to April. the momentum for economic recovery has strengthened.

-- large and medium-sized enterprises are operating steadily, and new kinetic energy continues to expand rapidly.

In April, the PMI of large enterprises was 50.3 per cent, which continued to be in the expansion range; the PMI of medium-sized enterprises was 50.7 per cent, up 0.1 per cent from the previous month for four consecutive months; and the PMI of small enterprises was 50.3 per cent, unchanged from the previous month. At the same time, the production index and new order index of enterprises of all sizes are in the expansion range for two consecutive months, and production and demand continue to release.

"combined with the current coordinated growth of large, small and medium-sized enterprises, the stability and balance of economic recovery have been improved." Wen Tao said.

In April, the PMI of equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing were 51.3 per cent and 53.0 per cent respectively, continuing to be in the range of expansion and higher than the manufacturing sector as a whole. The consumer goods industry, with a PMI of 50.5%, continues to expand. Wen Tao said that since the beginning of this year, the new momentum has shown a momentum of steady and rapid growth, forming a positive interaction with the development of new-quality productive forces, and further promotingEbingonearmeOptimize the economic structure.

-- Market expectations are generally stable, and there is a foundation for a better future.

In April, the expected index of production and business activities was 55.2%, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, and continued to be in a high boom range, indicating that manufacturing enterprises' confidence in recent market development is generally stable.

ebingonearme| The three major indices are stable in the expansion range, indicating that the overall economy continues to rebound

"in the first four months of this year, the company's sales were 22.12 million yuan and shipments were 22.45 million yuan, up 33% and 35.1% respectively over the same period last year." Wang Luohai, general manager of Anhui Mould equipment and Mould Co., Ltd., said that this year, while stabilizing the domestic market share, it will increase export volume, further enrich product types, expand the sales market of automobile lamp moulds and non-standard automation equipment, and constantly cultivate and strengthen new growth points.

Zhao Qinghe said that although the manufacturing PMI continued to be in the range of expansion this month, the survey results showed that the proportion of enterprises reflecting high raw material costs was 46.0 per cent, up 4.2 per cent from the previous month, while the purchasing price index of major raw materials rose to 54.0 per cent, increasing cost pressure on manufacturing enterprises.

In terms of the non-manufacturing sector, the non-manufacturing business activity index was 51.2 per cent in April, down 1.8 percentage points from the previous month, but still above the tipping point, and the non-manufacturing sector continued to expand.

The level of prosperity in the service sector has declined somewhat. In April, the service sector business activity index was 50.3%, down 2.1 percentage points from the previous month. From the perspective of market expectations, the expected index of business activities is 57.4%, which continues to remain in a high boom range, and service enterprises continue to be optimistic about the prospects for market development.

The expansion of the construction industry accelerated slightly. In April, as infrastructure construction accelerated, the index of business activity in the construction industry rose 0.1 percentage points from the previous month to 56.3%, continuing to be in a higher boom range.

"in April, the composite PMI output index was 51.7%, down 1.0 percentage points from the previous month, indicating that the expansion of production and business activities of Chinese enterprises has slowed down." Zhao Qinghe said.

The Ministry of Commerce and other departments have successively issued the "Action Plan for promoting the Trade-in of Consumer goods" and "detailed rules for the implementation of Automobile Trade-in subsidies"; six departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, have deployed to comprehensively carry out activities of green building materials to the countryside; identify key areas of support for ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, and speed up project construction and the use of funds. Recently, the policy of stabilizing the economy has continued to expand domestic demand and boost the confidence of operators.

Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that it is necessary to resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting stable economic development, further strengthen the implementation of policies, and consolidate and strengthen the foundation for a sustained economic recovery.

(reporter Wei Yukun Li Huiying) Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 30th

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2024-05-01 09:35:55

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