
ps4crashteamracingnitrofueled| Musk's xAI completes US$6 billion in financing A16Z, Sequoia Capital participates in investment


owned by Elon Muskps4crashteamracingnitrofueledAI, an artificial intelligence startup named xAI, raised US$6 billion in a Series B funding round, which was attended by well-known Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz(A16Z) and Sequoia Capital. The financing was announced in a blog post on May 26.

Data shows that xAI was established in July 2023 and launched its first product, Grok chat robot, in November last year. Recently, xAI demonstrated Grok-1ps4crashteamracingnitrofueled.5 Vision multimodal models that can process images, documents and table content in addition to text. A new round of financing will help xAI obtain more AI computing power resources to compete in model competition with rivals such as OpenAI and Anthropic. Musk previously said that xAI's next-generation Grok model is being trained on 20,000 Nvidia H100s, and the demand for AI GPUs for future Grok 3 will grow to 100,000.

ps4crashteamracingnitrofueled| Musk's xAI completes US billion in financing A16Z, Sequoia Capital participates in investment

27 05

2024-05-27 14:53:46

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