
qqjilicom| Barclays maintains the buy rating of Kazins Real Estate Trust (CUZ.US) and maintains its target price of $25


Barclays analyst Brendan Lynch maintains the $Kazins Real Estate Trust (CUZqqjilicom.US)$Buy RatingqqjilicomMaintain the target price of $25.

According to TipRanks data, the analyst's total winning rate in the past year was 43.2%, and the overall average return was-5.4%.


TipRanks is an independent third party that provides analytical data from financial analysts and calculates the average rate of return and winning percentage recommended by the analysts. The information provided is not investment advice and is for reference only. This document does not endorse, represent or warrant the completeness or accuracy of rating data and reports.

TipRanks provides each analyst's star rating. The analyst star rating represents all the analyst's recommended past performance. Through a comprehensive calculation of the analyst's total winning rate and average return rate, the more stars there are, the better the analyst's past performance, with a maximum of 5 stars.

The total analyst win rate is the ratio of the number of rating successes by analysts to the total number of ratings in the past year. The success of the rating depends on whether TipRanks 'virtual portfolio generates positive returns from the stock.

qqjilicom| Barclays maintains the buy rating of Kazins Real Estate Trust (CUZ.US) and maintains its target price of

The total average rate of return is the rate of return obtained by a virtual portfolio created based on the analyst's initial rating and adjusted for rating changes in the past year.

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2024-05-24 18:16:44

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