
sandboxcryptogame| News said that the next generation DDR6 memory rate can reach 17.6 Gbps, and the LPDDR6 memory rate can reach 14.4 Gbps


IT Home May 21 NewssandboxcryptogameBlogger Darkmont today released Synopsys and JEDEC documents on the next generation DDR6/LPDDDR6 memory standard.

DDR6 memory

sandboxcryptogame| News said that the next generation DDR6 memory rate can reach 17.6 Gbps, and the LPDDR6 memory rate can reach 14.4 Gbps

Documentation shows that DDR6 memory will have 8sandboxcryptogame.8Gbps to 17sandboxcryptogame6Gbps memory rate and may expand to 21Gbps. The first draft of the standard will be released this year, and version 1.0 specification will be released in the second quarter of next year.

LPDDR6 memory

The document shows that the LPDDR6 memory channel is 24 bits wide, with a starting rate of 10.667Gbps and a maximum defined rate of 14.4Gbps.

The LPDDR6 memory rate will exceed 10Gbps and the bandwidth will reach 28.5-38.4GB/s, and will further improve low power consumption and security.

In addition, JEDEC is also studying the LPDDR6 CAMM2 module and its applications on desktop and server platforms.

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22 05

2024-05-22 08:57:38

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