
terrapoker| Today's must-read: Hong Kong stock pharmaceutical track is "full of firepower"! Is the opportunity here? Fund managers speak out


Market quotation

The shrunk Prev index fell slightly by 0%.Terrapoker.07%TerrapokerThe concept stock rose sharply in the afternoon.

1, the overall trend: the three major indices adjusted slightly today, the microdisk stock index rose nearly 2%, the yellow-and-white second-line differentiation is obvious, and the theme concept is active. Individual stocks rose more than fell, with more than 3400 shares floating red on the Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing stock markets, with a turnover of 827.6 billion yuan today. By the end of the day, the Prev index was down 0.Terrapoker.07%, the Shenzhen Index fell 0.05%, and the gem Index fell 0.26%.

2, industry sector: media ETF, medical and health ETF rose more than 1%, military industry leader ETF, communications ETF fell nearly 1%.

2, hot concept: the concept of civil explosion rose sharply after the afternoon, Sheng Jingwei, Epley, Poly United, Gao Zhengmin soared the limit. Game stocks rose sharply, with Tom Cat, Dasheng Culture and Caesar Culture rising by the daily limit, and Zhongqingbao up more than 10%. Automobile stocks rose, Jinlong Motor, Zhongtong bus and Ankai bus rose by the daily limit, and Great Wall Motor rose more than 7%. Export, high export share of the concept stocks are active, Eli home, leading shares, Sanbaishuo and other trading. In terms of decline, the concept of cellular immunotherapy fell, Jimin Medical, South China Biological fell by the limit, Tailin Biological fell by more than 10%, synthetic Biological concept stocks fell, and Azure Biological fell by the limit.

(Wall Street)

The Hang Seng Technology Index rose 0.57% and the Hang Seng Index closed down 0.22%.

Hong Kong stocks rose generally, bilibili and Weilai rose by more than 4%, Xiaomi by more than 3%, and Oriental selection by more than 12%.

(Wall Street)

Industry trends

How can fixed income investment improve the experience? Short-term debt fund may be a "good choice for allocation"

In investment, the risk characteristics of equity and fixed income are quite different. as far as the overall investment is concerned, fixed income products are not only a necessary option for many low-risk investors, but also a configuration option for high-risk investors.

When the market is up to now, short-term debt funds have become the "best choice" for investment. From the perspective of the market, since 2024, the A-share market has fluctuated repeatedly, but the bond market as a whole has been "quiet and good". In this regard, a number of industry insiders said that there is no trend change in economic fundamentals and monetary policy orientation, the "debt bull" market may continue, the range may fluctuate slightly, short-term debt funds are expected to continue to benefit from fluctuations, and the allocation value is highlighted.

(Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Network)

Hong Kong stock medicine track "full firepower"Terrapoker! Here's your chance? Fund manager's voice

On May 14, a number of pharmaceutical stocks soared rapidly, and even some well-known pharmaceutical companies soared 62% in half a day, leaving the state of fairy stocks. Its trading volume surged from less than 1 million yuan the day before to more than Rmb100m in half a day. It is worth mentioning that today's Hong Kong stock pharmaceutical track market has a weak relationship with fundamental performance, more pointing to a substantial increase in risk appetite, Hong Kong stock funds and foreign investors have begun to pay attention to the valuation repair, price revaluation and expectations of overfallen varieties. Previously, the main strategy of institutional investors in the Hong Kong stock market, including the pharmaceutical track, was to "focus on the present rather than expectations", that is, to pay more attention to companies that have already done so. As a result, many companies that have not yet made a profit have been sold into mini-stocks even if they have huge revenues. Industry insiders judged that the Hong Kong stock market spread to varieties other than performance, indicating that Hong Kong stock pharmaceutical investment has quickly broken away from the bear market thinking.

Wang Shicong, manager of the Southern Hong Kong Stock Pharmaceutical Fund, believes that the core strategy this year is to focus on tapping the stocks with scarce value among the listed companies in the pharmaceutical industry in the Hong Kong market, especially the leading assets of each sub-track. considering its growth, operational stability and cash return and other aspects, we strive to form a collection of high-quality medical enterprises that can list Hong Kong stocks. So that investors can fully share the growth of these enterprises, and on the basis of in line with the provisions of the scope of investment, seek to dig out cost-effective value options in A-share and US stocks and other markets as a supplement to the portfolio.

(Securities Times website)

These A-share companies are targeted at the "going out" business.

"how is the company's business going to sea?" This is a high-frequency focus of recent public offering research on listed companies. Wind data show that since the second quarter, in the research records of many listed companies with the top number of public equity fund researchers, "going abroad progress" is the focus. Tianfu Communications, Intermediate Asahi Chuang, Desai Xiwei, Company 9, Australian Endoscope and other companies have been asked about "the expansion of overseas markets" and "the proportion of overseas revenue", involving industries distributed in communications, electronics, auto parts, home appliances, health care, and so on.

(brokerage China)

50 billion private equity made a profit this year

Ten billion private equity did well in April. Data from the private placement network show that as of April 30, the number of private placements was 92, and the average April income of 76 companies with performance shows was 1.29%, of which 59 achieved positive income, accounting for 77.63%, and the average income of the top 10 was 5.1%.

terrapoker| Today's must-read: Hong Kong stock pharmaceutical track is "full of firepower"! Is the opportunity here? Fund managers speak out

The success of 10 billion private equity earnings in this year is due to the continued excellent performance since February. According to the data, the average income of the 76 private equity companies with performance shows has been 1.08% this year, of which 38 have achieved positive income, accounting for 50%, and the average income of the top 10 is 12.55%. Hainan Shiwa, Lerui assets, Ruipu Investment, Panjing Investment, Oriental Harbor, Evolutionist assets, Gao Yi assets, Juming Investment, China Europe Ruibo and so on take the lead.

(Shenzhen Economic Daily)

What does the return of the performance of public offering funds mean?

Recently, there has been a sudden change in the painting style of the ranking of public offering fund products, and the products under the head public offering fund have become the leader of the top ten. Take equity funds as an example, eight of the top 10 products this year come from head public offering funds, and the top ten also include Hong Kong stock theme products under two head public offering funds. On the one hand, this change shows that the market profit effect appears, on the other hand, it also shows the return of the concept of value investment under the guidance of supervision.

(Securities Times)

Quantify private placement and actively adjust its strategy or pay more attention to valuation and profit factors.

From May 13, the real-time data of northbound capital transactions will no longer be disclosed. Industry insiders believe that by adjusting the disclosure rules of northbound funds, the market overreaction and related speculation may be reduced, which will help more long-term funds and "patient capital" to enter the market. Prior to this, the indicators of northbound funds are the variable parameters selected by some quantitative strategies, and the quantitative institutions interviewed said that after this adjustment, the trading strategy using northbound real-time data will be adjusted and optimized.

(Shanghai Securities News)

The net value of fund products in the direction of science and technology has increased significantly, and fund managers maintain a positive expectation judgment.

Since the beginning of this year, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes have gradually shown a warming trend. As of May 13, the Shanghai Composite Index has risen 5.82%, and the Shenzhen Composite Index has risen 1.56%. Especially since February, this trend has been reflected in the increase in the net worth of equity fund products. Wind information data show that since February, 10672 funds (only the main code, the same below) unit net value has increased, accounting for 89.85%. In terms of equity products, the net worth of 6252 units increased, and the net worth of 5144 equity funds increased by more than 10%.

In terms of specific product performance, funds aimed at the direction of science and technology have gradually come to the fore. Judging from the top 100 funds with the highest net worth growth since February, no matter from the fund name, such as "Internet", "digital economy", "cutting-edge industry", "emerging blue chip", etc., or from its actual position structure, all reflect a lot of "science and technology content".

(Securities Daily)

Company trends

Private equity fund Zhao Lifeng was ordered to correct a number of private equity firms to get "tickets" under strict supervision.

On May 13, Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to order corrective measures to Shenzhen Zhaolifeng Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shenzhen Zhaolifeng").

The reporter learned that Wang Yanwei, as the legal representative, general manager and executive director of Zhaolifeng at that time, was responsible for the company's violations. In accordance with Article 33 of the measures for the Administration of Private Placement, the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau also decided to take administrative supervision measures to issue warning letters to Wang Yanwei.

(21st Century Economics report)

Also see how to increase capital "blood transfusion" small and medium-sized funds to "break through" in the future?

In recent years, a number of small and medium-sized funds have carried out capital increase "blood transfusion". The National Enterprise Credit Information publicity system shows that the Xinwo Fund has increased its capital twice since May this year. On May 8, the registered capital of Xinwo Fund increased from 140 million yuan to 140.4 million yuan; on May 11, its registered capital further increased to 155.965342 million yuan, with a total capital increase of 15.965342 million yuan, or 11.40%. This is also the fourth and fifth capital increase since the establishment of the Xinwo Fund.

Industry insiders interviewed said that capital increase is an important way for shareholders to support the development of fund companies, which can be used to supplement working capital, expand the scale of business, and strengthen the building of investment and research teams. In the future, small and medium-sized funds can achieve a "breakthrough" in the competition through differential development.

(Securities Daily)

10 billion private equity earned an average of 1% this year, Liang Hong's Hainan Xiwa won the championship with 19% profit, and private equity giant Wu Yuefeng lost 40%.

As of April 30, private equity firms lost an average of 0.41% for the year, according to the private equity ranking website. Private equity with a scale of more than 10 billion yuan has an average return of 1.08% this year, of which 38 have achieved positive returns, with Hainan Shiwa, Lerui assets and Ruipu ranking among the top investment returns.

The performance of some "Internet celebrities" private equity fund managers is poor. Wu Yuefeng, the millions of Vs Investment Notes, has suffered heavy losses. The recent net worth of his products is only 0.5539 yuan, which has fallen nearly 40 per cent this year. "Private equity witch" Li Bei's Pinellia investment yield is-5.15% so far this year, and its personal rate of return has not yet returned.

(Sohu Finance and Economics)

Product dynamics

Not for sale! What is the signal of the collective restriction on the purchase of multiple excellent products?

On May 14, Huatai Barretto Strategy, a high-performing active equity fund managed by Dong Chen, a fund manager, announced that it would suspend its application for purchase. It is worth noting that since the end of April this year, Ye Yong, Bao Wuke, Yang Jinjin and other well-known fund managers have suspended a large number of active equity products.

With the heavy position layout of resource stocks this year, the above fund managers' products have generally achieved very bright investment results in the market rebound since February 6 this year.

(China Securities News)

Is it difficult for the launch fund established in the past three years to survive? Another one is about to be wound up, this time it is the pension target FOF

On May 14, Penghua Fund issued a notice saying that its Penghua Changle steady pension target one-year FOF fund net asset value has been lower than 50 million yuan for 60 consecutive working days, the fund contract will be terminated and will enter the liquidation process on May 17. Wind statistics show that this is the year's third announcement of liquidation of the pension target FOF. As an initiating fund, such products are more common in the funds that terminate the contract and liquidate at present. It is worth noting that many of the funds set up in the past three years have a scale of less than 200 million yuan.

(daily Economic News)

Personnel change

10 fund managers have changed their positions.

Today (5.14), seven fund products issued the resignation announcement of fund managers. from the point of view of the change, four fund managers left their jobs from the seven products under management due to the expiration of the products.

(financial sector)

GE Changwei is appointed Chairman of Guangfa Fund.

On May 13, the official website of Guangfa Fund announced that Sun Shuming, the former chairman of the company, left office due to retirement, and GE Changwei became the new chairman of the company on May 13, 2024. Guangfa Fund was established on August 5, 2003 with wholly-owned subsidiaries Ruiyuan Capital Management Co., Ltd. And Guangfa International Asset Management Co., Ltd. As of December 31, 2023, the company's assets under management exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan.

(Dahe Wealth Cube)

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2024-05-14 20:14:50

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