
spacepinball| Purchase price of corn processing enterprises in Shaanxi Province on May 11, 2024


Source: China Grain Network

May 11spacepinball, corn purchase price of processing enterprises in Shaanxi Province:

The purchase price of Baoji Shanfeng Corn (Chen Corn) is 2260 yuan/tonspacepinball, unchanged from May 10.

The purchase price of Baoji Fufeng Corn (Chen Corn) is 2250 yuan/ton, which is the same as on May 10.

spacepinball| Purchase price of corn processing enterprises in Shaanxi Province on May 11, 2024

The purchase price of Weinan Guowei Corn (Chen Corn) was 2300 yuan/ton, which was the same as on May 10.

China Food Network

11 05

2024-05-11 18:44:30

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