
sicboidn|正丹股份(300641.SZ):公司股票及可转债交易异常波动 5月7日起停牌核查


News summary

Zhengdan Shares (300641sicboidn.SZ) and Zhengdan Convertible Bonds (123106) will be suspended for verification due to fluctuations in trading prices. Trading will be suspended from the market opening on May 7, 2024 and will resume after verification.

sicboidn|正丹股份(300641.SZ):公司股票及可转债交易异常波动 5月7日起停牌核查

Newsletter text

[Zhengdan Shares and Convertible Bonds fluctuated abnormally, and the suspension of trading will be verified from May 7] Zhengdan Shares (300641sicboidn.SZ) announced on May 6 that the trading prices of the company's stocks and convertible bonds have fluctuated significantly recently. In order to protect the interests of investors, the company will check abnormal trading of stocks and convertible bonds. Upon application, Zhengdan Shares (stock codesicboidn: 300641) and convertible bonds (bond codesicboidn: 123106) Trading will be suspended from the opening on May 7, 2024. After the relevant verification work is completed and the verification results are announced, trading of relevant securities will resume. The move aims to safeguard the interests of investors and ensure the fairness and stability of market transactions. Investors need to pay attention to the company's subsequent announcements to obtain verification progress.

07 05

2024-05-07 06:22:35

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