
punchingmachinegame| Taibao Life Insurance Karamay Central Branch and Baijiantan Branch were fined a total of 14,000 yuan: inadequate management of insurance agents, etc.


On May 27, financial front-line news, the administrative penalty information disclosure form issued by the Karamay Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration showed that China Pacific Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Karamay Central Branch was warned and fined 6000 yuan everywhere due to inadequate management of insurance agents, resulting in insurance agents giving insurance agents benefits other than those stipulated in the insurance contractpunchingmachinegame; At the same time, both relevant persons in charge were warned and fined.

Similarly, due to inadequate management of insurance agents, the insurance agent gave the policyholder benefits other than those stipulated in the insurance contract. China Pacific Life Insurance Company, Ltd., Baijiantan Branch of Karamay City was warned and fined 8000 yuanpunchingmachinegame; At the same time, both relevant persons in charge were warned and fined.

punchingmachinegame| Taibao Life Insurance Karamay Central Branch and Baijiantan Branch were fined a total of 14,000 yuan: inadequate management of insurance agents, etc.

27 05

2024-05-27 15:54:39

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