
crasharenaturbostarsonline| National Health Commission: Focus on violations of laws and regulations in assisted reproduction, medical beauty, Internet medical care and other fields


Interpretation of the Circular on Printing and issuing key points of work on correcting unhealthy tendencies in the Field of Pharmaceutical purchase and Marketing and Medical Services in 2024

In order to do a good job in correcting unhealthy tendencies in the field of pharmaceutical purchase and sale and medical services in 2024. National Health Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Audit Office, State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, General Administration of Taxation, General Administration of Market Supervision, National Healthcare Security Administration, State Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine, State Administration of Disease Control, The State Drug Administration and other national inter-ministerial joint working mechanisms for correcting unhealthy tendencies in the field of pharmaceutical purchase and marketing and medical services (hereinafter referred to as the "inter-ministerial mechanism for rectification") 14 ministries and commissions jointly formulated and issued the "2024 notice on correcting unhealthy tendencies in the field of pharmaceutical purchase and marketing and medical services" (National Health Medical Emergency letter (2024) 101) Hereinafter referred to as "notice").

I. drafting background

The field of medicine is the main position to safeguard the health of the people, which is related to the most concerned, direct and realistic health rights and interests of the broad masses of the people. Strengthening the construction of work style in the pharmaceutical industry is an important part of promoting the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry and an important part of improving the construction of medical governance system. For a long time, the National Health Commission, as the leading unit of the inter-ministerial mechanism for style rectification, has been working with relevant ministries to continuously strengthen the construction of industry style. Since last year, 10 ministries and commissions, including the State Health Commission, have launched a nationwide centralized rectification of corruption in the pharmaceutical field to effectively promote industry governance. Since the beginning of this year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made clear requirements for industry governance, and the effectiveness of the centralized rectification of corruption in the pharmaceutical field throughout the country needs to be continuously consolidated and improved. the work of style building still needs to make continuous efforts and work for a long time, and the style rectification work in 2024 requires high-level deployment and systematic planning to guide all localities and departments to continuously push the style rectification work in depth.

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, resolutely implement the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for discipline Inspection and the relevant requirements of the second working Conference on Clean Government of the State Council, and under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New era, guide the whole industry to systematically carry out industry style rectification work, consolidate and deepen the results of centralized rectification of corruption in the pharmaceutical field throughout the country. We will carry out overall planning and jointly promote the centralized rectification of unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses, and constantly improve the long-term mechanism for industry style management. 14 ministries and commissions, such as the State Health Commission, have jointly formulated and issued the Circular, which will make comprehensive arrangements for this year's style rectification work.

II. Working principles

(1) focus on key points and be problem-oriented. In 2024, the style rectification work will adhere to goal-oriented and problem-oriented. Always adhere to the strict tone, strict measures, strict atmosphere, focus on the "key minority" and key positions of personnel, deepen the "integration of wind and corruption" governance, focus on specific issues continue to increase pressure. Those who break the rules and regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

(2) full coverage and compaction responsibility. Combined with the current work situation, with regard to the outstanding problems in the production, circulation, sales, use, reimbursement and other links of the pharmaceutical industry, we should strengthen the management of the whole process in the whole field, and guide and urge all participants in the pharmaceutical field to operate in compliance. Emphasize the main responsibility of "who is in charge and who is responsible", strengthen the coordination of departments and strengthen the convergence of policies.

crasharenaturbostarsonline| National Health Commission: Focus on violations of laws and regulations in assisted reproduction, medical beauty, Internet medical care and other fields

(3) carry out rectification and construction at the same time, and achieve long-term governance. On the one hand, the work of style rectification emphasizes the use of clean-up, rectification, investigation and other means to solve outstanding problems and correct unhealthy tendencies in the industry. On the other hand, we should make up and strengthen the weaknesses of institutional measures, focus on standardizing the operation of power, improving rules and regulations, strengthening normative guidance, promoting industry self-discipline, and achieve long-term governance.

III. Main contents

The notice consists of 5 parts and 15 articles, which areCrasharenaturbostarsonline:

(1) continuously standardize the order of pharmaceutical production and circulation. Contains four contents, respectively: first, the implementation of the main responsibility, integrity and law-abiding management. On the one hand, it emphasizes the promotion of high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry, the implementation of incentive policies, and the improvement of pharmaceutical price formation mechanism; on the other hand, it urges production and supply enterprises to implement the responsibility of compliance operators. The second is to speed up the procurement of carrying capacity and purify the circulation order. We will regularly carry out centralized volume procurement of drugs and high-value medical consumables, and improve the procurement policies for medical equipment in medical institutions at all levels. The third is to focus on the key links and strengthen the disposal efforts. Pay close attention to the risks in the pharmaceutical field, such as project recruitment, catalogue compilation, price determination, project application, new drug application, payback settlement and so on, so as to maintain the high-pressure situation. Fourth, consolidate the effectiveness of rectification and improve the long-term mechanism. It is mainly to strengthen the behavior compliance guidelines of pharmaceutical production and operation enterprises, strengthen the management of social organizations and pharmaceutical representatives, and standardize the order of drug circulation.

(2) focus on tackling unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses. It contains three contents, which are as follows: first, optimize internal management and standardize business service behavior. Compacting the main responsibility of the internal management of medical institutions, establishing and improving the internal control system, ensuring reasonable examination, rational use of drugs, reasonable treatment and standardizing fees in the process of seeing a doctor. The second is to focus on the "two keys" and implement the management requirements. Focus on the "key minority" of medical institutions and key positions of personnel, around the management requirements, to make up for the recruitment of financial, out-of-hospital cooperation and other key areas of institutional measures deficiencies. The third is to improve the policy system and innovate the supervision mode. We will optimize and improve the medical supervision and management system, enhance the accurate supervision ability of information-based big data, and carry out pilot projects of intelligent and embedded supervision based on medical record information.

(3) resolutely rectify the chaos in the industry. It contains two contents, which are: first, strengthen supervision and law enforcement and crack down on illegal acts. We will strengthen medical supervision and joint law enforcement across departments, focusing on violations of laws and regulations in areas such as assisted reproduction, medical examinations, health examinations, medical beauty, and Internet medical care. The second is to standardize the live broadcast and purify the network environment. Continue to consolidate the main responsibility of the website platform, and strengthen the supervision of medical network live broadcast goods, information content, dissemination order and so on.

(4) Effectively maintain the safety of medical insurance funds. It contains two contents, namely: First, strengthen the supervision of medical insurance funds and maintain a high-pressure situation in combating fraud and insurance fraud. Implement and refine the specific rules for the supervision and management of the use of medical insurance funds, improve the daily supervision and inspection work mechanism, carry out unannounced inspections, and carry out in-depth special rectification of illegal and illegal issues of medical insurance funds. The second is to improve price governance and continue to promote the reform of medical insurance payment methods. Steadily promote the price management of drugs linked to the Internet, implement the credit evaluation system for price recruitment, and implement dynamic adjustment of medical service prices on a regular basis.

(5) Deepen and consolidate the effectiveness of centralized rectification work. It contains four contents, namely: First, classified disposal, focusing on joint punishment. Handle issues in a hierarchical and classified manner, insist on investigating bribery and bribery together, and explore the establishment of a joint disciplinary mechanism for bribers. The second is to learn from cases and strengthen industry education. We will solidly carry out industry education, increase integrity education for personnel in key positions, and strengthen the publicity and explanation of industry regulations and medical insurance policies. The third is to carry out rectification and construction simultaneously and strengthen the establishment of rules and regulations. Deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms, strengthen the construction of clean government in the medical and health field, guide pharmaceutical companies, medical entities, and industry and social organizations to improve internal management regulations and implement management responsibilities. The fourth is to work closely together to form a joint force. Improve the level of information interconnection among various departments, make good policy connection, intensify horizontal cooperation, strengthen vertical scheduling, and coordinate the implementation of work.

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2024-05-27 14:08:52

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