
slotsroomcasino| What does stock purchase scrapping mean? Explanation of the scrapping phenomenon in stock trading


in stock tradingslotsroomcasinoInvestors often encounter a confusing phenomenon-"scrapping orders". What exactly is a scrapping order? How did it come about? These issues are directly related to investors 'capital safety and trading efficiency, so this article will provide you with a detailed explanation of the phenomenon of scrapping orders in stock trading.

1. Definition of scrapped order

The so-called cancelled order refers to the order that is automatically cancelled by the system after a stock purchase order issued by an investor fails to be completed due to some reasons and is not revoked.

2. Reasons for scrapping orders

1slotsroomcasino. Price mismatchslotsroomcasino: The price of the submitted buy order was higher or lower than the actual market transaction price, and the transaction failed.

2slotsroomcasino. Stock suspension: Shares that investors are trying to buy are suspended for some reason and cannot be traded.

3. Order timeout: Orders that have not been completed for a long time and have not been cancelled will be automatically cancelled after reaching the validity period set by the system.

4. Trading rule restrictions: such as the amount of a single transaction is too large or the transaction time does not meet regulations.

3. The impact of scrapping orders

1. Fund occupation: The cancellation of the order results in the temporary occupation of funds and affects the liquidity of funds.

2. Time cost: Investors take extra time to replace an order.

3. Trading opportunities: Missed trading opportunities, resulting in potential economic losses.

4. Strategies to avoid scrapping orders

1. Accurate positioning: Clarify your trading strategy and choose the appropriate buying price.

2. Follow the rules: Be familiar with the rules of the trading platform and avoid illegal operations.

3. Pay attention to the market: Pay attention to market dynamics in a timely manner, such as stock suspension information.

slotsroomcasino| What does stock purchase scrapping mean? Explanation of the scrapping phenomenon in stock trading

4. Timely operation: Regularly check uncompleted orders and cancel or modify them in due course.

5. Comparison of scrapped orders and valid orders

Invalid order is not closed and the transaction is not revoked or the funds have been manually revoked. High liquidity of funds affects transaction efficiency and improves transaction efficiency

Through the detailed explanation above, I believe that investors have a deeper understanding of stock purchase scrapping orders. Effectively avoiding the phenomenon of scrapping orders can not only improve transaction efficiency, but also ensure the safety of funds. It is the key to the steady development of every investor in the stock market.

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2024-05-27 10:23:26

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