
rainbowislandsthestoryofbubblebobble2| Six departments including the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document: Promoting equipment updates in the fields of culture and tourism


Chen Xing, editor of every reporter Zhou Yifei

According to the National Development and Reform Commission on May 24Rainbowislandsthestoryofbubblebobble2Six departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission, issued the implementation Plan for promoting the Renewal of equipment in the Field of Culture and Tourism (hereinafter referred to as the implementation Plan).

rainbowislandsthestoryofbubblebobble2| Six departments including the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document: Promoting equipment updates in the fields of culture and tourism

The implementation Plan puts forward eight key tasks Including: implementing the action of upgrading sightseeing facilities, implementing the action of upgrading amusement facilities, implementing the action of updating and upgrading performing arts equipment, implementing the action of improving the protection and utilization capacity of cultural relics, implementing the action of high-tech promotion of the film industry, implementing the action of updating and upgrading HD and ultra-HD equipment, and implementing the action of protecting historic and cultural cities and neighborhoods.

Pan Helin, a well-known economist, said in an interview with Wechat, a reporter of the Daily Economic News, that consideration can be given to encouraging literature and tourism enterprises to actively update through targeted fiscal and tax support and precise credit support, and that renewal can also be promoted by speeding up the elimination of old equipment.

Update and upgrade tourism equipment

Pan Helin believes that the "implementation plan" is to promote the upgrading of equipment to benefit a wider range of industries. "as cultural and tourism equipment are mostly infrastructure or high-value means of transportation, this is also to boost demand for related equipment through the purchase of new tourism equipment. At the same time, it is also to combine with areas such as the low-altitude economy to boost the new economy and promote new demand. "

The implementation Plan requires that we should do our best and act according to our capacity, give priority to the replacement of dilapidated equipment, strictly guard against debt risks, and ensure sustainable application. By 2027, we will strive to guide and promote the upgrading of facilities and equipment in the field of culture and tourism across the country, maintain sustained and steady growth in the scale of relevant investment, comprehensively improve the quality of services, and promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

In terms of implementing the action to update and upgrade sightseeing facilities, one is to update and upgrade tourist transport equipment. We will promote the renewal and upgrading of cableway ropeways, elevators and other carrying equipment in key tourist scenic spots, state-level tourist resorts, public cultural venues and other places, eliminate old equipment that cannot meet demand, maintain and maintain high frequency and ultra-long-term service, and improve the reception capacity and service level of tourists.

The second is to update and upgrade tourism equipment. We will promote the upgrading of land, water and air tourism equipment in key scenic spots, and upgrade a number of advanced equipment with high technology, high efficiency, high reliability and low energy consumption, including off-road sightseeing vehicles, RV self-driving camp facilities, ice and snow tourism equipment, sightseeing cruise ships, sightseeing boats, speedboats, low-altitude aircraft, etc.

Do a good job in recycling waste equipment

The implementation Plan also defines safeguard measures. Among them, in "giving full play to the joint force of funds", it is clear that all localities should co-ordinate multi-channel funds and give active support. Enterprises and institutions in the fields of culture and tourism are encouraged to use their own funds to actively upgrade their equipment and improve the quality of services. Key projects that meet the requirements will be included in the scope of financial support such as ultra-long-term special treasury bonds. Guide policy-oriented and commercial financial institutions to strengthen support for the upgrading of equipment in the fields of culture and tourism.

In addition, around the key areas of culture and tourism, film and television, and exhibitions, a number of relevant national standards and industry standards have been revised in the light of the actual system of the industry, so as to link up with standards such as energy conservation, carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety and recycling, and guide relevant enterprises and institutions to implement equipment upgrading of advanced standards through a scientific and sound standard system. Do a good job of recycling waste equipment to avoid waste.

In the process of equipment renewal, how to balance the relationship between green development and energy saving and emission reductionRainbowislandsthestoryofbubblebobble2? Panhelin suggested that new requirements for green energy conservation could be added to the laws and regulations. At the same time, through targeted tax cuts, cultural and tourism enterprises are encouraged to buy more green and energy-saving new equipment.

A reporter from the Daily Business News noted that a few days ago, the "Action Plan for promoting large-scale equipment upgrading and Consumer goods Trade-in" has been publicly released.

Zhao Chenxin, vice minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, once said that the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, should establish a working mechanism for promoting large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods, strengthen overall planning and coordination, and do a good job in coordination among departments. moreover, it is necessary to strengthen the linkage between the central and local governments to form a strong joint force to promote the work.

Zhao Chenxin said that this work has deployed a "1x N" policy system. Among them, "1" refers to the "action plan", and "N" refers to the specific implementation plan in various fields.

At a press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission on May 21, Li Chao, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and spokesman for the Commission, said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will step up efforts to establish a working mechanism for equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods, and work with relevant departments to continuously improve and promote the implementation of the "1N" policy system, and give full play to the role of business entities. Guide the whole society, including private enterprises, to participate in all aspects of equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods more comprehensively and deeply.

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2024-05-27 07:13:14

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