
levvvelcoinmasterfreespinsandcoins| Tong Ren Tang will hold a shareholders 'meeting on June 14 to review proposals on directors' remuneration in 2023


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levvvelcoinmasterfreespinsandcoins| Tong Ren Tang will hold a shareholders 'meeting on June 14 to review proposals on directors' remuneration in 2023

this article is fromlevvvelcoinmasterfreespinsandcoins: Financial community

Financial community news on May 24levvvelcoinmasterfreespinsandcoinsTongrentang announced that the annual shareholders 'meeting will be held on June 14, 2024, and online voting will be held on the same day. The equity registration date is June 6, and investors holding Tongrentang shares after the market closes on that day can participate in voting.

Conference venue: Conference Room of Beijing Tongrentang Co., Ltd., No. 33 Tiangui Street, Daxing Biomedical Industrial Base, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Daxing District, Beijing City.

A total of 12 proposals were audited at this shareholders 'meeting, as follows:

1."2023 Financial Final Report"

2."2023 Profit Distribution Plan"

3."Full text of the 2023 Annual Report and its summary"

4."2023 Work Report of the Board of Directors"

5. Proposal on Directors 'Remuneration in 2023

6."2023 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors"

7."Proposal on the Remuneration of Supervisors in 2023"

8. Proposal on Amending the Measures for the Management of Independent Directors of Beijing Tongrentang Co., Ltd.

9."Proposal on Appointing Accounting Firms in 2024 and Determining Their Remuneration"

10. Proposal on the Election of Non-Independent Directors of the 10th Board of Directors

11. Proposal on the Election of Independent Directors of the 10th Board of Directors

12."Proposal on the Election of Supervisors of the 10th Board of Supervisors".

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2024-05-25 06:26:23

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