
moneycomingslot| Today's perspective: How to implement investor protection


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RecentlyMoneycomingslotWu Qing, chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission, said at the "May 15 National Investor Protection publicity Day" in 2024.MoneycomingslotThe CSRC will run investor protection through all aspects of the capital market system construction and supervision and law enforcement. Including further consolidate the institutional foundation of investor protection, further promote the improvement of the quality of listed companies, further promote industry institutions to enhance the level of professional services, further crack down on securities crimes in accordance with the law, and further smooth the relief channels for investors to safeguard their rights. On the day of the event, the CSRC also focused on issuing 10 institutional rules closely related to investor protection.

moneycomingslot| Today's perspective: How to implement investor protection

How to implement these policies, the author believes that it needs to be strengthened and improved from the following four aspects.

First, it is committed to improving the quality of listed companies, strictly controlling the entrance and smooth export clearance, so as to create a good investment environment for investors. In terms of strict entry, counterfeiting and fraudulent listing are strictly prohibited, keeping counterfeiters out of the capital market, so as to improve the quality of listed companies from the source. Smooth export customs, further speed up the clearance of low-quality companies, timely remove the "zombie enterprises" and "ST nail households" and other black sheep from the market, and build a good market ecology. In addition, we will support listed companies with innovative development potential to be better and stronger, so that investors can better share the fruits of high-quality economic development.

The second is to further strengthen the coordination and supervision mechanism of multi-departments. In 2023, the CSRC transferred 118 cases and clues of suspected illegal and criminal cases of securities and futures to the public security organs, effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, but there are still some acts of drilling policy loopholes, such as technical divorce, short-selling, re-financing and so on. In the next step, we still need to constantly improve the cooperative supervision mechanism of the market, financial intermediaries, regulatory agencies, judicial organs and other departments, strengthen the crackdown on illegal and illegal activities of listed companies, and greatly increase the cost of breaking the law and committing crimes.

The third is to further improve the investor compensation system and guide investors to actively exercise their rights and safeguard their rights. In recent years, the investor compensation system in China's securities market has been continuously improved, but there are still some places that need to be made up, such as relatively narrow scope of compensation, relatively low amount of compensation, tedious compensation procedures and so on. In addition, due to the short application period for some compensation, investors who do not understand the relevant provisions may miss the opportunity for compensation. In this regard, it is necessary to guide investors to actively exercise their rights and safeguard their rights and actively strive for compensation.

Fourth, investors should strengthen their awareness of self-protection and enhance the concept of value investment. In recent years, regulators have devoted themselves to strengthening investor education, helping investors to enhance risk awareness and better safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. However, there are still some small and medium-sized investors who have not established a mature investment concept and do not understand value investment. In this regard, it is also necessary for investors to take the initiative to learn, avoid short-term speculation and establish the concept of long-term investment value.

Investors are the foundation of the market. If we want to run investor protection through the whole process of capital market system construction and supervision and law enforcement, we not only need the cooperation of various regulatory departments, but also need investors to contribute their own strength, with the full cooperation of all parties in the market, we will jointly promote the stable and healthy development of the capital market.

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2024-05-18 11:15:09

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