
waxcryptogaming| Google enhances Android accessibility: using AI to describe the surrounding environment, etc.


IT Home May 17 NewswaxcryptogamingGoogle upgraded to celebrate the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)waxcryptogamingIt has improved its Lookout, Look to Speak, Maps and Project Relate Android apps to improve the accessibility experience.


IT Home Note: Lookout is one of Google's Android apps with new accessibility features designed to help blind and low-vision Android users recognize objects around them and read documents.

Google has now released a new lookup model for Lookout that provides a new way to find specific objects.

The feature is currently being launched in beta and can recognize seven categories of items, such as seats, tables or bathrooms. Now, when you scan a room with your phone's camera, the Lookout app tells you how far you are from the selected item and which direction to go.

It is worth noting that the updated Lookout application can now also provide AI-generated screen descriptions directly in it.

Look to Speak

The Google Look to Speak app allows users to use their eyes to select pre-written and customized phrases. Once you choose the phrase, it will say it out loud.

In the new update, a textless mode has been added. Users can also select personalized emoticons, symbols and photos in the phrase.

Project Relate Android

The app can help users with language difficulties speak. The newly updated app allows users to import text from other apps and create custom prompts for voice training.

waxcryptogaming| Google enhances Android accessibility: using AI to describe the surrounding environment, etc.

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2024-05-17 09:44:56

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