
starwarsracerarcade| Photovoltaic patent infringement has occurred frequently, the industry calls for strengthening legal rights protection


With the photovoltaic industry gradually entering a new stage of high-quality development, intellectual property protection has become a key support for enterprise technological innovation and industrial upgrading. However, in recent years, due to the lack of effective intellectual property protection, the vicious competition of "Bad money drives out good" has appeared in the industry. many enterprises reduce their R & D investment for fear that their innovation achievements will be stolen or imitated, which not only suppresses the innovation vitality of the industry, but also hinders the high-quality development of the whole industry. Industry professionals said that at present, domestic patent infringement occurs frequently, high tariffs are levied overseas, and the profits of the photovoltaic industry are being grabbed overseas. China's photovoltaic industry, which leads the world, is facing the risk of being overtaken by overseas bends.

In the face of wanton patent infringement, many enterprises dare to take up legal weapons to defend their legitimate rights and interests. Recently, patent infringement litigation in photovoltaic industry is not uncommon.

Industry insiders believe that disrespect for intellectual property rights has become one of the root causes of chaos in the photovoltaic industry, hindering the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry, and forcing China's photovoltaic industry to "give way to overseas benefits."StarwarsracerarcadeWhen we infringe the volume, overseas is investing the profits into the next generation of technology to weaken the overseas competitiveness of China's photovoltaic industry. Therefore, no reason can be used as an excuse for illegal infringement. Yao Ziran, general legal adviser to Trina Solar Energy Co., Ltd., said: "the technology iteration in the photovoltaic industry is very fast, and if innovation is not properly protected, it will dampen the enthusiasm of enterprises." In the absence of effective protection, the innovation achievements of enterprises are easy to beStarwarsracerarcadeOthers steal or imitate, which leads to the intensification of market competition, the decline of product prices and the damage of enterprise profits. This not only harms the interests of enterprises, but also affects the high-quality development of the entire industry, but also allows overseas photovoltaic enterprises to benefit from it and achieve transcendence.

In order to solve this problem, the state has taken a series of measures. For example, the opinions on strengthening intellectual property Protection should be issued, the intellectual property management system should be improved, the punishment of violations of intellectual property rights should be strengthened, and international cooperation in intellectual property protection should be promoted. These measures are expected to provide a more perfect intellectual property protection system for the photovoltaic industry. Sun Guangbin, senior vice president of Jingao Science and Technology, pointed out that intellectual property rights have played a supporting role in enhancing the innovation and added value of the photovoltaic industry and promoting the high-quality development of China's photovoltaic industry.

starwarsracerarcade| Photovoltaic patent infringement has occurred frequently, the industry calls for strengthening legal rights protection

"intellectual property protection is the key to high-quality development. Only by protecting intellectual property rights can we protect innovation, help promote a high-level 'going global' strategy, build a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation, and jointly promote industrial cooperation and technological cooperation to a higher level." Trina Solar Energy Chairman Gao Jifan said.

Li Xiande, chairman of Jingke Energy, said that as a global enterprise, it is the responsibility of the enterprise to respect the protection of intellectual property rights. There are many ways to obtain a patent, such as authorization, purchase, exchange, rather than evasion. Jingke also hopes that the industry will respect our technological research and development.

Industry insiders suggest that at the national level, we should strengthen positive guidance for the protection of intellectual property rights of enterprises, crack down on intellectual property infringement cases severely, and encourage cooperation through industry self-discipline to strengthen cross-authorization of intellectual property rights. At the same time, it also calls on more enterprises to protect their rights in accordance with the law to eliminate the cancer, to scrape the bone to cure the wound, and to create a healthy ecology of the industry. (Wu Qiong)

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2024-05-16 14:24:44

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