
vegasslots| Wanjia Selected Hybrid A(519185): Net value of 1.8867 yuan, yield of 24.28% in the past 6 months


News summary

On May 14, 2024, the net value of Wanjia Select Hybrid A(519185) fell by 1.5%.vegasslots.84% to 1vegasslots.8867 yuan, with a yield of 0.40% in the past one month and 24.28% in the past six months, with a scale of 2.105 billion yuan.

Newsletter text

[The net value of Wanjia Select Hybrid A Fund fell 1.84%, and the yield in the past 6 months was 24.28%] On May 14, 2024, Wanjia Select Hybrid A(519185)vegasslotsThe latest net value of the company was 1.8867 yuan, down 1.84% from the previous trading day. Despite this, the fund's return in the past month was 0.40%, ranking 3,267 in its category| 3574vegasslots; The yield in the past six months has reached 24.28%, ranking 20th in its category| 3388。The fund, established on May 18, 2009, has a size of 2.105 billion yuan as of March 31, 2024.

vegasslots| Wanjia Selected Hybrid A(519185): Net value of 1.8867 yuan, yield of 24.28% in the past 6 months

14 05

2024-05-14 22:55:01

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